Why use a chain collar for dogs?

by Isabel, November 15, 2023

Chain collars for dogs were originally mainly used in dog sports and for police or military working dogs. However, they are now also becoming increasingly popular in everyday life for family and companion dogs - and for good reason!

We have summarized everything you need to know about chain collars in our guide.

Hund mit schwarzer Hundehalskette Hund mit schwarzer Hundehalskette
Detailaufnahme Edelstahl Hundehalskette mit Haken an grauem Hund

Why do people use chain collars?

Because chain collars are truly all-rounders. Thus, whether for dog sports, training with your dog or on a walk, chain collars for dogs do exactly what is most important: they hold. That way, you can be sure that your dog won't accidentally get loose, even in difficult or stressful situations. After all, what could be worse than a dog collar that breaks, comes undone or is worn out at exactly the wrong moment, allowing your dog to escape?

The secret of a chain collar lies in the very thing that sets it apart from other dog collars - its material. Made from high-quality materials such as stainless steel, they have a high breaking load and are therefore also suitable for particularly large dogs.

Why use a chain collar for fearful dogs?

The key word here is also safety.

Additional features such as assembly chains and pull-stops give owners of fearful dogs extra security. Chain collars like this allow you to walk your dog on a relaxed collar but tightening enough during an emergency to prevent your dog from slipping out by pulling on the leash - without injuring or permanently choking the dog.

Hund mit Curogan Hundehalskette mit schwarzer Leine Hund mit Curogan Hundehalskette mit schwarzer Leine

Are chain collars good for dogs?

Dog owners are often worried that the metal links or the material itself will make chain collars uncomfortable for their dog to wear or more likely to cause injury than other dog collars. But this concern is unfounded. Dog collars are comfortable for your dog to wear thanks to their flexible links. Neither moisture nor heat can accumulate under the dog chain and, with the right choice of chain, even dogs with long or fine fur can wear collars for long periods of time without suffering hair damage.

Of course, chain collars have advantages and disadvantages, just like other collars and materials. It is therefore important that you are well informed about the different materials and types of dog collars so that you can make the right choice for you!

The advantages of chain collars

Dog chain collars have several advantages compared to collars made from other materials. We have summarized the most important ones here:

Chain collars for dogs are easy to clean

Due to their material, dog chain collars are easy to clean as, unlike fabric or nylon collars, mud and dirt cannot get stuck in the material itself. If your dog chain needs to be cleaned of dirt after your pet's last mud bath, this can be done quickly: you can simply wash your dog chain with lukewarm water and a little washing-up liquid if it is very dirty. You should then dry it with a cloth.

Even if your dog comes home with fleas or lice, a chain collar has an advantage over other dog collars. By its very nature, it offers the annoying parasites less of a surface to attack and is also disinfected in no time at all. One less thing to put through the washing machine to get rid of the pests!

Chain collars for dogs are durable

Opting for a durable collar is always a good choice and dog chains definitely fall into this category. No matter what adventures you embark on and especially for real water lovers: a metal dog collar does not smell, does not rot and does not fade. So it will last more than just one season.

Our tip: If you often enjoy the salty sea air and frolic on the beach, you should opt for a stainless steel chain in order to enjoy it for a long time.

Hund mit schwarzer Hundehalskette

Chain collars for dogs are sustainable

With proper use, regular checks and the right care, a chain like this can be a loyal companion for you and your dog for many years. It can also make sense to buy one for a dog that is not yet fully grown, as adjustable dog necklaces can grow with your dog. Many of our satisfied customers also tell us time and again how their necklace is passed on among their own dogs after a beloved pet has passed away. This is a wonderful way to keep past pets with you on new adventures.

For us at SPRENGER, sustainability is more than just versatile, flexible and long-lasting use. As a family business based in Germany, we can offer even more: Our dog collars are Made in Germany. This means we can not only guarantee high quality, but also shorten delivery routes and do something good for the environment!

Learn more about us.

Hund mit Curogan Hundehalskette

Chain collars for dogs are timeless

We always emphasize the long lifespan of our products, but one thing is important to ensure that they are actually used that long: the look.

Anyone who thinks that chain collars look cold, dangerous or simply boring is mistaken. Like their human counterparts, dog chain collars come in different styles, designs and colors. One of our personal favorites is the rose gold of our Curogan dog chains.

Apart from that, their rather simple look has another advantage: they go with any equipment and can be combined with any of your existing leads or harnesses.

Hund mit Edelstahl Hundehalskette

Chain collars are versatile

What kind of dog do you think of when you think of a dog chain collar?

Many would spontaneously name the German Shepherd or Malinois.

Not surprising given the origin of the dog necklace. But dog chains come in many different varieties - perfect for many different dogs!

The right choice is crucial here:

Find out which chain collars there are.

The disadvantages of chain collars

Of course, as with all dog collars, there are also certain aspects of dog chains that can lead to problems.

A typical problem that occurs with owners of light-colored dogs is coat discoloration. Abrasion of the black stainless steel links or material allergies when using stainless steel chains can lead to coat discoloration in light-coloured dogs. Even if these are not dangerous, they are not particularly attractive to look at. Fortunately, there is an alternative: Curogan. The nickel-free material with its anti-allergic properties is an excellent alternative for 90% of these dogs.

Another point to be aware of is that dog chains are traditionally slipped over the dog's head. This has two disadvantages: On the one hand, not every dog likes the feeling of having something pulled over their head. On the other hand, newcomers to chains often choose the wrong chain length. It is therefore particularly important to follow the measuring instructions in the size chart for all non-adjustable chain collars that are not fitted with a hook or ClicLock. As a general rule, measure your dog's head at the widest point (including ears) and then use the maximum neck circumference in the table to determine the correct chain length.

Why do the chain length and maximum neck circumference differ?

The size of our chain is always the total length of the chain or necklace. However, as classic chains are threaded through one of the rings at the end of the chain, they lose a few centimeters. This is how the maximum neck circumference is derived.

Learn more about how to properly measure a dog for a dog collar, dog chain collar and dog harness here!

What kind of chain collars are there?

Chain collars for dogs come in a wide variety of designs and usually differ again between their use in everyday life and in sporting competitions. Dog collars can be differentiated according to various criteria.

Schwarzer Haken von Hundehalskette hängt von oben hinab

Dog chain collars by feature:

  • Chain collars without a pull stop, often referred to as choke chain collars. Find out more about whether these collars are permitted here.

  • Chain collars with an assembly chain. These dog collars can tighten up to a certain point, but have an integrated, fixed pull stop.

  • Chain collars with a shackle are also equipped with a pull stop. Unlike with the assembly chain chain, the pull stop is not fixed and can be adjusted by the owner.

  • Chain collars with hooks do not have to be pulled over your dog's head. Like other dog collars, they are opened and closed using the hook and are adjustable.

Hund mit 2 reihiger Edelstahl Hundehalskette

Dog chain collars by number of rows:

  • Single row chain collars, have only a single row of links and are suitable for all coat types. This type of dog collar is also used in dog sports.

  • Multi-row chain collars have two or three rows of interconnected links. This type of chain is particularly suitable for dogs with short coats, as it can lead to hair breakage in long or fine coats.

Verschiedene Variationen der schwarzen Hundehalsketten

Dog chain collars by link type:

  • Long link chains

  • Medium chains

  • Round link chains

  • Flat link chains


The wire gauge is also an important difference. It should always be selected to suit your dog's weight and temperament. If you are unsure which wire gauge is right for your dog, please contact us via the support option here in the webshop or on social media!

Which chain collars are allowed?

Chain collars have a bad reputation with many people. One reason for this: incorrectly used chain collars for dogs. For this reason, you may be wondering: is the chain collar for dogs banned?

All SPRENGER chain collars offered in our store, which are either equipped with a assembly chain, pull-stop, hook and/or ClicLock, cannot choke the dog during use and are therefore animal welfare compliant according to the regulations in Germany.

All chain collars that do not already have one of the above-mentioned stops should be fitted with a shackle or split ring when used or the dog should be leashed in such a way that the hook of the lead is hooked into the so-called "dead ring".

Are pull-stop collars legal?

The short answer: Yes!

Even though pull stop collars are generally permitted in Germany, it is important to use them correctly. Regardless of whether the pull stop is fixed or adjustable, it must not make the collar tighter than the circumference of your dog's neck.

Conclusion: Why use chain collars for dogs?

There are a number of good reasons for using a chain collar for dogs. Regardless of whether you choose a chain for its appearance, durability, ease of care or ease of use - you will enjoy your chain for a long time!

Don't forget: A chain is just another collar to which the same recommendations apply. Accordingly, it should only be used for dogs that walk on a lead. For behavioral problems, we always recommend working with an experienced dog trainer.

Our Sprenger Chain Collars Dog

Part of your passion.


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