Chain collar link types

by Isabel, September 11, 2024

Choosing the right type of link for your dog's chain collar is not just a matter of taste, it also has an impact on the health of your dog's coat and its comfort. The reason: different link types cause different amounts of friction on the dog's coat. Especially with long or fine dog fur, too much friction from the collar or harness can lead to hair breakage in the dog.

You can find out which link type you should choose for your dog in this blog post!

Chain collar link types overview

Typical link types in the chain collar for dogs are:

  • Extra long chain links

  • Long chain links

  • Medium chain links

  • Round chain links

  • Flat polished chain links

To find out exactly how they differ and for which dogs and coat types they are suitable, keep reading now!

Chain collar link types: Long link chains

Long link chains are a classic among chain collars. Due to the large, wide and elongated chain links, the dog's fur can easily slip over, under and through the links. As the chain lies loosely around the dog's neck, friction is reduced in the areas where a flat dog collar lies tighter on the dog's neck to prevent it from slipping out, and problems such as hair breakage, accumulation of heat or moisture and itching are prevented.

For this reason, long-link chain collars are particularly suitable for long fur.

Chain collar link types: Chains with extra long links

Does your dog have particularly long fur, fine fur or even with a long-link chain still have minimal signs of fur problems or irritation? Then a chain collar with extra-long links may be the right choice.

These chains have links that are identical in shape to those of the “normal” long-link chain. However, they are slightly wider and, as the name suggests, longer than these.

Chain collar Link types: Medium link chains

Medium-link chains differ significantly from long-link chains in their shape: they are shorter, narrower and more oval. The link length means that a medium link chain has more links than a long link chain of the same length. As a result, these chains may generate slightly more friction on the dog's coat. Nevertheless, medium link chains are considered to be true all-rounders and are equally suitable for dogs with long, medium and short fur.

Chain collar Link types: Chains with round links

Chains with round links, so-called armoured chains, are characterized by their special shape. They are slightly narrower than medium links and are twisted, making them shorter. In addition, the round links interlock due to their rotation and create a flatter contact surface.

Due to their shape, these chain collars generate significantly more friction and give longer or finer fur less opportunity to slip through the links without getting caught. For this reason, we recommend chain collars with round links especially for dogs with short fur. This type of link can be particularly comfortable for these dogs, as the links are less likely to stick out and slide more easily over the dog's neck and coat.

Chain collar Link types: Chains with flat polished links

Another subtype of the round link chain or armored chain is the chain with flat polished links. In the case of these chain collars, the shape of the links is basically identical to that of a “normal” chain with round links. The difference: in the chain collars with flat polished links, the elevations of the twist of the individual links are flattened. This results in an even more even and flatter surface, both visually and functionally, which is why we particularly like to use this chain in our range for multi-row chain collars.

Chains with flat polished links are also particularly suitable for dogs with short coats and can increase the risk of hair breakage when worn for long periods on longer coat types.

Chain collar link type and wire gauge

In addition to choosing the right link type, choosing the right wire gauge for a chain collar also plays an important role.

Not all of our link types and chain models are available in all wire gauges. Especially in the case of dogs where the chain collar must be able to withstand the weight and temperament of the dog during training or in dangerous situations, we recommend that you always start with the wire gauge when choosing the right chain collar and then select the link type. You can find out which wire gauge is suitable for your dog's chain collar in our blog post.

We are also happy to advise you at any time via the support here in the shop or social media and help you find the right collar for your dog!

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